Oneness OS® is a patented drug delivery technology that is the first in the world capable of fully solubilizing authentic whole-flower hemp in water, unleashing radically innovative consumer hemp products suitable for mainstream consumers. Developed by Oneness Founder Dr. Neha Raje based upon her 12+ years of experience in pharmaceutical drug solubility, Oneness OS enables the mass deployment of plant-based products that are scientifically efficacious, high-vibration, and fashionable to consume.
Whole flower hemp oil solubilized with Oneness OS is 100% available for absorption into the human bloodstream in just 5 minutes, unlocking radically superior benefits in less time at lower doses. Oneness OS also enhances gut permeation, trans-cellular and para-cellular permeation, and transdermal permeation in topical applications.
Unlike existing hemp beverages that only utilize the highly refined and processed cannabidiol (CBD) or THC molecule, Oneness OS enables the efficient consumer of the 400+ unique and synergistically beneficial phyto-compounds found in whole-flower hemp. Additionally, Oneness OS has tremendous applications for Kratom. It is the only technology to solubilize free-base Kratom in water, the most natural form of Kratom.
Experience the difference today!
The Potential of Hemp
Hemp holds tremendous potential for both therapeutic and recreational uses because the compounds found in hemp activate the body’s endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is the largest system of neuroreceptors in the body touching all vital organs and regulating hormonal releases throughout the human system. The body naturually releases substances similar to hemp-derived cannabinoids in moments of great joy and peacefulness, or in response to stress to bring the body back to homeostasis. With the poor diets and lifestyles of the modern, world most human beings require supplementation with plant-based cannabinoids to have a fully functioning endocannabinoid system.
Limitations of Hemp without Technology
Historically, the primary limitation of hemp for human consumption is its lack of solubility in water. Solubility is vital for any active ingredient because the human body is mostly composed of water and the bloodstream is over 80% water. Therefore, the more an active ingredient is solubilized in water, the more bioavailable it is in the human system. When cannabinoids are extracted from hemp, they are naturally in a tar-like oily form. Oneness’ own drug release studies, conducted in alignment with FDA protocols for new drug applications, shows oil-based hemp achieves just 6% solubility in water after 30 minutes, plateauing thereafter. This means that higher doses are required to receive desired effects and the onset of desired effects is delayed.
Oneness OS delivers a real whole-flower experience with rapid absorption that is completely smoke-free. Essentially, Oneness OS® is the only technology in the world capable of solubilizing real whole-flower hemp in water.
Author: Alexander Mclain